The swedish watch brand Carl Edmond launched in september of last year. Their first major campaign features celebrated Swedish actor Joel Kinnaman (altered carbon, house of cards) as the face of the brand, Carl Edmond himself.

Carl Edmond watches are about combining two distinct worlds: Swiss sophistication and Swedish heritage. The color palettes and minimalist aesthetic were honed under by the collaboration of two of the industry’s most respected names, Swiss watch designer Eric Giroud and his protégée Adrian Glessing. To personify their creation, the brand is centering their flagship campaign around the brand’s namesake character, Carl Edmond.

“Carl Edmond is an adventurer, an explorer, a vagabond and a diplomat living a life extraordinary to the fullest deluxe.” Carl Edmond Founder Ali Nouri says, “I’d love to be more like Carl.”

Venerated Hollywood actor and beloved Swede Joel Kinnaman is perhaps the only man suited for the task of portraying Carl and is thrilled to do so.

“If I was stranded on a deserted island and could bring one thing only. I would bring Carl Edmond. And if it was the other way around. I would beg Carl to bring me”, says Joel.

The unique design of Carl Edmond watches stems from Giroud and Glessing’s expertise in pairing elegant minimalism with distinct, asymmetric features and pastel tones inspired by Swedish furniture of the 1960’s and 70’s. The leather used for the wristbands is Swedish Tärnsjö, a 140-year-old institution that stands among the remaining 5% of tanning houses worldwide that still uphold the legacy of an environmentally friendly vegetable-based tanning tradition.

The watches themselves utilize Swiss quartz movement and sapphire crystal presented in two classically Scandinavian shapes: the round, elegant classic – Ryolit, and the bold, inventive square – Granit. And its galvanized dials come in a beautiful array of colors: white, black, gunmetal, cameo, navy and limed spruce.