What she loves about Fashion?
“I love fashion because it has the power to instantly elevate and transform”.
What Inspires her Designs?
“My greatest inspiration is my faith and looking through creative portals to Heaven. I use fashion to answer my heart’s longing in bringing Heaven’s beauty and glory to earth”.
How she incorporates her Photography into Fashion?
“I started as an editorial photographer working with other brands. So when I launched my own brand, Nancy Vuu, it was great to incorporate my ability to create and capture fashion through the camera lens. Having the understanding of what I want as a fashion designer and the know how to create it as a photographer positions me for excellence as a creative director”.
Her Passions beyond Fashion?
“I love how fashion has given me the platform to empower good. Outside of fashion, I am very passionate about the work of House of Vuu, and supporting and collaborating with other forces for good. Outside of fashion and philanthropy you can find me in my home garden. From pruning, planting, watering, or just simply basking in the beauty that surrounds me, my garden is my happy place”.
The process steps for design?
“It all begins with quiet time for me. It’s a sacred time where my spirit worships and transcends to meet with my Creator and here I get to dream with Him and receive heavenly downloads for fresh designs. I always get excited when the Creator brings the “reveal”. I have so much fun sketching the designs and finding the right textiles. Once this is done, I work closely with my design team to bring the designs to life”.
How her Faith fuels her Fashion?
“My faith is everything, and my faith guides me in every area of my life. My faith and pursuit of “the” Creator has positioned me to see life with greater purpose and to see fashion from a heavenly perspective where garments come alive to release hope, healing and beauty in our world”.
The focus of the House of Vuu Foundation?
“House of Vuu Foundation is the heartbeat of Nancy Vuu Brand. It is the charitable arm of our brand, a 501-c3. Our vision is to develop Love Sanctuaries globally for displaced children to thrive as we prepare for the end of human trafficking. To creatively use our fashion platform to empower women and youth with strength, courage and boldness. By releasing hope through beautiful transformations, we create positive experiences that empower women and youth to recognize & to walk into their full identity and greatness. We partner with other reputable organizations to bring awareness to global justice and to make a bigger impact in empowering GOOD”.
How she spends her free time?
“I love traveling and spending quality time with my family and friends. My favorite place to be is in my home garden, it is my sanctuary where I get my greatest inspirations and where my spirit gets filled”.
What she looks for in a Collection?
“Beauty and elegance. Something bold, something new yet classy and timeless”.
How it all began?
“In 2013, I had a supernatural encounter that completely changed the trajectory of my life. I was currently working in the corporate world, transitioning to be a stay home mom. I was at a women’s faith conference when suddenly God encountered me. My ability to see or hear in the natural was shut down. All I could hear was an audible voice from Heaven with visions that flashed before me that spoke my identity and catapulted me into my purpose and destiny”.
What’s next for Nancy Vuu, designer, photographer, gardener, mother, film maker, and trailblazeR
“Nancy Vuu Bridal, Nancy Vuu Jewelry, Nancy Vuu animated fashions, Let There Be Fashion a memoir of my many encounters of God in fashion”.
Her constant “Yes”.
“God will always have my “yes””.
The favorite fashion moment so far?
“Waking up to Nancy Vuu making “best red carpet fashions” at American Music Awards with Huffington Post and Evening Standard”.
The best collaborations?
“I have so many wonderful collaborations it’s hard to say what has been the best. Truly it just gets better and better. I am so grateful for all the creative’s and philanthropists that believe in our work, celebrate us, and have come alongside to contribute to our efforts of empowering good through fashion”.
The global impact of fashion?
“Fashion like music and food have a language that could be understood by all nations and all people. Fashion is a global language. Fashion can be used for evil or for good. Nancy Vuu is a lifestyle movement that empowers humanity. We invite all citizens to live, experience and wear heaven on earth”.
New jewelry line releasing in China?
“We are so excited to launch our jewelry line in China! “
Client diversity?
“Diversity is so important. I want our brand to reflect all humanity”.
Cannes Film Festival and Short Film Award?
“Cannes has always been a wonderful place for me with numerous great memories with fashion, film and my global family. When our short film Unto Me was recognized and awarded in Cannes I knew, it was just the beginning for all that is to come”.
Her voyage; Vietnam to America..
“I will never forget when my father told me the story of when he looked into my eyes as I was dying in his arms. We were refugees on a small boat and I was very sick, fast fading away. My father held me tightly and looked to Heaven and cried “God save my daughter. If you save my daughter, I will know that she has a great purpose and calling in her life.” God saved me that day. I am forever grateful to my father who prayed for my life and God who saved me so I could live my life to fullest”.
How she became Nancy?
“The minute I stepped into my true identity. When I owned who I am and what I was created for”.